11 June 2008

yep yep yep


no twinges or anything. just still uncomfortable. oh the joy. do you know thought that originally before my dating scan i though i was due june 13th? and what's today? hmm... we'll see =)

also, andy's cousin paul and his wife erin are having a scheduled c-section tomorrow. not fair! i'm suppose to have mine first...

anyway, yesterday and today i have had a nice afternoon nap with noah and micah. atleast an hour or so. very nice! i cleared off a table in our bedroom last night and made it into a changing table/corner with everything there and ready. and i cleaned out my maternity clothes from my wardrobe and made that the baby's shelf with vests, wee socks and baby grows. b/c really? i only have a handful of items that actually fit and are comfortable!

my sister-in-law esther goes home on saturday, so if i have to be induced, she won't get to see the baby either! simon's already missed out when he was here last weekend! oh well =)


Tracy said...

oh nelly, I'm thinking about you. The PH Playgroup is tomorrow and you still haven't given birth yet. Hopefully we'll be celebrating then!!!

Becky said...

I hope that baby comes soon...I can't imagine how uncomfortable you must be!!!

Mandy said...

I'm sending you baby eviction vibes!