10 June 2008


i had a sweep yesterday morning while at the hospital and absolutely nothing has happened since. i'm so sad! i really want to baby to come now...am 6 days over the due date! why me!? =) i am a lot more uncomfortable, especially at nights having to turn over and getting out of bed are terrible!
so if nothing happens before saturday then i go in to be induced. not at all looking forwards to that! so please pray hard that this baby comes...now! though andy has a field trip tomorrow that is a good distance away. he was going to try and get an extra teacher on the trip so that he would be free to drive himself incase he has to leave early! what fun....
saturday andy and simon went to their cousins stag do which involved karting and a chinese buffett. andy and simon were teamed together and they won! they were so excited!!

and this is dan the groom-to-be whose brothers made him dress like this!! what a good sport!


Luke's mommy said...

We will be praying!!! I hope baby comes soon. I guess she/he is all bout taking their time ; )

Erin said...

Awww... :( You are a more patient person than I am though! I would have been begging for induction a week ago!!!

(FWIW, I did have a pretty good induction experience with Benjamin) :)

Praying Baby Three makes his/her debut soon soon soon!

Anonymous said...

We're praying like crazy...from all the Stock

rmcphoto said...

I hope the baby comes soon. Victoria is already pretty uncomfortable. I keep telling her wait a few more months before you start complaining. I am so excited we are having a boy. We also left our OB and switched to a Midwife and are planning a home birth.