30 January 2008

the adventures of sudo cream =)

the object of the 'adventure'

the evidence:

the culprit:

(these were taken on saturday morning, as andy and i were downstairs doing other things...micah was with noah, but was virtually clean...hmm)


Erin said...

Heh. I had a similar adventure with baby powder when Ben was about that age. Btw, is he in training pants or do you cloth diaper? (just noticed in the one picture that doesn't look like a sposie) :)

nelly said...

a sposie? he is still in diapers but loves to put on micah's pants (underwear)!!

Erin said...

(sposie = disposable diaper) Ah! It looked like a diaper cover... ;) I did a brief stint with cloth diapers, so if you were using them I was going to ask your thoughts! ;) (it was too much extra work for me!)

nelly said...

i used them too for a wee bit and yes, it is a lot of work! i never had many at a time and tried using them just at home and disposibles when out...but you know!