28 January 2008

21 weeks and 5 days

i know its not the greatest of scans, but besides a very active baby, i also didn't drink enough water =( but all is well and healthy. their dates for the due date haven't changed, still measuring right for june 4th. for awhile the baby wouldn't take his/her hand away from their face, as if to say no pictures please! it was fun to watch and we saw most everything. the lady doing the scan was very sweet and kept calling the baby sweet pea and pumpkin and so forth!


Anonymous said...

So if you saw almost everything, was anything missing? Mom

Anonymous said...

ok, so you don't want to know, can't they email me so I know????? Can't wait to meet this new little baby. mimi

Erin said...

LOL @ your mom! ;)

Any gut feelings on what you're having though? Dreams? That sort of thing? I always pretty much knew by the time the u/s rolled around what I was having... mom's instinct, I guess...

Tracy said...

You're halfway there! Yeah, I feel like the baby knows he's/she's being scanned and puts his/her hand at his/her face.