30 April 2007

its just come to my attention that i haven't posted much on what the boys are up to these days. how they have progressed and are just getting older!

*can climb up the stairs (and has done for ages) but can now climb back down as well pretty successively.
*can go down the slide on his belly, by himself.
*usually responds with the right reaction to "no, no noah"
*when told to go find micah, he does

*"what's that" is his favourite phrase, even he answers it himself
*talks a lot, mostly in sentences.
*still speaks jibberish sometimes
*still like cars, bikes and trains
*loves to watch his movies (veggie tales, peter pan, toy story and 15 puppies{101 dalmations})
*loves horses

both boys:
*do play well together
*love it when daddy comes home

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