18 September 2006

day at bury st edmund

saturday we spent the day with lloyd and sarah at their home in bury st edmund (which is east of here, past cambridge!) we had a great day...it was very dark and dreary as we started out at 8, picked jemima up at half 8 (lloyd and sarah didn't know she was coming with us..he he). we arrived at 11 so we made great time!
we chatted for a bit and had the tour of the house...(as soon as we got there, i changed noah's nappy..he hadn't pooed in a few days, so i just figured that he had some smelly farts, but as i lifted him out of the carseat---oh my gosh!! it was much more and had gone through his vest and outfit!! the only other clothes i had was his pj's! so thats what we had to wear! oh well..he still looked cute!!)
we had our main meal around half 12/1 o'clock then we set off to the park! it was turning into a lovely day =)

jemima always loves going to the park with micah cause she gets to play too!! she was a big help as to go down the slide, you had to do some climbing of which most children under 6 were probably too small to do!

micah on the big boy swing! he did really well!!

daddy and micah climbing high

lloyd playing at the park.

we went back to lloyd and sarah's had a light tea then got changed and left for peterborough. the gospel hall there had john salisbury speaking that night! and it was really good. he spoke on being a true disciple of christ..very encouraging and challenging!
then home we went! we got home around 10:30 maybe (i can't remember), andy and i had a cuppa then went away to sleepyland!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Theres my lovely brother and sister (as i calll her some-times!)
Loved that day thanks for taking me!!