01 August 2008

oh my goodness gracious!

i can't believe that today is our last day at our house!! wow...seems like so much to do =) the gang is out in weoley castle to do some tracting/surveys. then the majority of them are going to stratford for the afternoon then back here for the bbq. though it is rainging hopefully it will clear up!
i'm staying in to finish off the packing and getting bbq stuff ready!! then off tomorrow morning to london for the wedding, spend the night and then to the airport for our 1o'clock flight. unfortunately our plane is a small one... 2-3-2 is the seats going across, so we can't all sit together as we need 4 seats!
well i have to run quickly to go to the bank. more maybe later!
oh any if anyone wants to email me about our get2gether it'll be in the comment section! =)

1 comment:

nelly said...

mr_mullan at yahoo.co.uk

can't wait to see you all!