19 April 2008

baking disaster

i tried making some chocolate cupcakes last night...but it didn't turn out too well. i have made them before without any trouble but well, i didn't have all the exact ingredients and this is what happened:

they totally overflowed, went crusty around the top edges and was still cakey at the bottom.
yes, they were still edible. though it took a while to scrap them into a bowl, we then added ice cream on top and it was nice, though dissappointing =)


Tracy said...

Okay, they don't LOOK so great, but where they still edible?

I baked carrot cake muffins last night =) Not sweet enough though.

Erin said...

I'll bet it was the amount of moisture in the air... I have this problem with chocolate chip cookies sometimes. Same recipe... totally different outcomes...

Anonymous said...

they were very nice though wi the ice cream and chocolate topping dribbled on!! I have no complaints!!