23 May 2007

a day in photos

it turned out to be a beautiful and a very hot day today! we had a few places to run to and our friend sheila and her blue car were our transport! if not, i would have only of done one of the stops...maybe!

so you can see that the frog who is now *freddie frog* is still popular! i had trouble getting both boys on freddie at the same time as micah had fun falling off!

we went to cadbury world so that i could buy some chocolate for my friend melissa...so if you are reading this mel, it is on its way! cadbury world is always wonderful! i can't wait for the summer time as we are making a trek there with a big group of people =)
i was pleased with myself as i got sheets and one quilt out on the line today!! yippee =) go me! tomorrow if the weather is the same i'll try again as i want to wash micah's *cars* quilt, as i washed the sheets yesterday.
also mimi if you are reading this, notice that micah and noah are *both* wearing the outfits you sent last week. and they are *both* 18m..i.e. they were both intended for noah i believe! but micah fit them too!!! the shorts were a bit on the short side as was the shirt i guess, BUT it was cute! so there you go!!
those are new shoes on micah as his 'thomas' shoes stank. bad. we had washed them but as we have no dryer at the moment they were out on the line and now smell mildew-y!! these were only £8 at NEXT, so affordable!


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of them both behind the quilt! How cute!

Mandy said...

Me too. Love the quilt picture. And love how fabric smells after it's dried outside.