26 March 2007


my poor wee noah is sick! yesterday evening, after not eating hardly anything at dinner, threw up his milk (yes, all over me and him and the floor)... then threw up around 3 and had diareha (ha ha, have no clue at the moment as to how to spell it *it is after midnight*). then was up at 6ish and a wee bit dirty too. so we went through 3 pairs of jammies and 3 changes of sheets! yuck =(

today he's eaten some cheerio's, biscuits, weetabix with yohurt, a little bit of milk in late morning and early evening. some fruit and some yogurt. and a cracker or 2. BUT lots of water! he's slept loads 3-4 naps today but thankfully, no more yucky poo or vomit! he's bee a wee bit feverish, so has had some calpol....and is now sleeping, and hopefully back to going through the night!


Bitter Mom said...

Awww...hope the little guy is feeling better!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry your little guys was sick! I hope he's on the mend. I wanted to show you this site...

Maybe you'll have some inspiration!

Have a great week!