06 December 2006


not long after i posted yesterday, micah woke up from his nap and unusual for him, wasn't fussy, but very cuddly AND he didn't want the cookie i had bought for him!! strange! we put in cars and sat watching that for a bit while i fed noah, and he sat right next to me and started to lay down at one point. i reached for a blanket and laid it over him, when yikes! he started throwing up!! yuck!

so i had to quickly get up, put noah down somewhere other than the couch and keep micah's hands away from the yuck! poor boy! its so awful to watch a child throw up when they don't understand whats going on!!!

so we changed into jammies and cleaned up the couch, threw his clothes and the blankets into the wash and layed back down on the couch and finished watching cars. he was really good and laid there for about an hour, then decided he felt slightly better and played on his bike in the kitchen and what not.

he was a bit feverish and thankfully fell asleep around 6:15 in his daddy's arms! and he slept till almost 7:30 this morning! i woke him once to change his diaper and give him a big of calpol and a drink. i hate sick children!! yuck...just praying noah doesn't come down with the same!!

this morning he's still a tiny bit feverish, but he's had a cracker and a cookie and lots of juice (watered down). don't think we'll be going out today!

1 comment:

Crashdummie said...

Ah, kiddies are full of surprises. But I guess that’s one of their many charms. Hope Micah will get better soon – somehow kids just seem to fade away when they are ill… heartbreaking!