01 November 2006


i can't belive that it is november 1st already!! time has flown by and i have no idea where october has gone!!!
so much has happened!
we had an AWESOME time in baltimore, tennessee and north carolina. i'll post atleast one photo of each! in TN i was able to see my photography professor who i adore and absolutely loved her. i had to take basic B&W as part of my communications major and loved it and mrs anthony so much that i added photography as a minor along with business. when i first came to england and had the chance to travel abroad, it was photography that i travelled to do! i love taking B&Ws of all the old buildings, landscapes and people! it was fantastic!
so anyway, TN....i also met up with 3 of my best girlfriends who i studied with, lived with some of them, travelled with, prayed with, cried with.....and everything else!! it was awesome to see them again!

i visited a friend in north carolina on the way home from TN and her and her husband fed us a feast for kings (or so it felt) it was awesome! and so enjoyable to see friends and where they live!! it took us 12 hours to get home from NC but both boys were fantastic in the car and we had a pretty enjoyable time as we took the blue ridge parkway for part of the way! it was gorgeous!
we spent time with the family, enjoyed being spoiled and i can saw gained weight from all the great food!!! then to come home and not be able to find anything as good in the grocery store!! guess we should live on bread and water for awhile...ha ha! fat chance =)
it took a long time to get home as in we left friday night from baltimore and arrived in our house later saturday night! yuck!! but we are home, kinda well rested and happy!! monday night one of andy's best friends jonny (from belfast) flew in monday night for a possible 2 week visit! much fun!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Sorry we didn;t get to meet up. I really enjoy getting comments from you.It's been a while since I have commented and I am sorry. I need to get you on my blogroll. Somehow I would love to get your email. Check my blog and I will post it for a couple of days.

Your family is beautiful!!!!! Stay well

God Bless