05 November 2006


BANG....BANG, bang bang!!!
that's all we,ve been hearing for the past few nights! fireworks,fireworks and more fireworks! its guy fawkes day today so their have been bonfires and fireworks all over the country. while its great fun when you go out to see fireworks somewhere, its so annoying when every 5th house seems to be having their own bit of fun in their back gardens and whatnot! annoying!

anyway, we've had a great weekend! we went out friday night for mine and jonny's birthdays to frankie and benny's and it was really really good!! saturday we went ice skating with some others in our youth group. my one arm is quite soar actually from catching myself on the sides so i wouldn't fall! and i have a lovely bruise from hitting on the door, upon exiting the ring!! oh well, it was good fun!
micah even joined us on the ice! they had little skates with 2 blades that attach to their shoes! he only went around 3 times, but i think he enjoyed it! as soon as my friend emails me the picture, i'll post them =)

jonny's away this week down to worcester, so i am home alone with the boys again! micah has a cold...well just a runny nose at the moment, so i'm off tomorrow morning to get some medicene. i think tuesday we'll go to treasure island again. its been a month since we were there last!

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