16 October 2006

dinner rehersal and wedding

Thursday we had the dinner rehersal for my brothers wedding. We got to the top of the bay and it was a chilly evening! The wedding was going to be outside and it was definitely on the chilly side! Micah ran around with Wilson, who is the brides nephew. He is 6 and adorable! Micah, Wilson and Kelly’s other nephew TJ were going to walk down the aisle as the ring bearers…I was a bit skeptical, but micah seemed like he’d follow Wilson anywhere! On the ride to the dinner, micah fell asleep and ended up sleeping through the whole dinner and through the night till 4;30 Friday morning!! It was great! Noah slept through the dinner too, so our hands were free!
Friday we went over to the hotel where we were all going to be staying as it was close to the wedding site and got ready there. My aunt cathy did my hair as I wasn’t sure where or how to wear my feather thing!! But she managed and it was great!!! I really liked it!
Micah walked down the aisle after Wilson and tj, I’m not sure what happened, but he just followed them down, looking all around but walking down all the same! So he made it down all the same! It was great and they were all so cute in their tuxes!!

mr handsome made it down the aisle...
The ceremony was nice and short, and it was cold though no breeze was blowing! Then pictures then to the reception. There was a chocolate fountain which was wonderful, great seafood and free drinks! Before the meal, andy and I got up and first said the irish blessing that most know…’may the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at you back, may the sunshine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again may god hold you in the hollow of his hand.’ and then I read another one, then andy prayed for the food. It was interesting and nice.

top of the bay
I was embarrassed watching my parents dance since I have hardly ever seen them dance! It was nice to see my brother dance with keira, who is Kelly’s daughter from a previous relationship. And really it was just nice to see my big brother married!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad that everything went well!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great wedding celebration. Congrats to Jeremy & Kelly.

No photos?

Anonymous said...

so glad everything went well!
Hope your having a wonderful time!!
love to everyone!!!
Jem & co!!