So..jonah was weighed and hasn't gained much at all. on the 2nd of september he was 13.1 and today he was 13.6! i wasn't there for the weighing as i had my own appointment. my friend becky took jonah and they asked her if there were any feeding problems but there aren't any. he is sleeping through the nights and only have 4 feeds during the day, all from me. so i don't know! she wants us to come back in 2 weeks time.
which means that in the next 2 weeks between noah, me and jonah we have 5 dr/hosp/speech+language appointments! oh boy. becky took us today and will accompany us to the childrens hospital on thursday for a hearing test. then on friday i have an appt (which is a whole other story...mostly involving possible allergies or asthma?). monday noah goes to the speech and language specialist and i'll be dropping jonah and micah off at hannah's on the way. thursday i have another dr appt and then the following tuesday i'll have to take jonah back to be weighed again!
yuck. but jonah is happy and healthy otherwise. he had 2 more shots today and calmed down quite quickly afterwards. he is sleeping 10-12hours at night and sleeping a wee bit between each feeding... like an hour or so. its great! he's lovely and coo-ing away. loves to be standing =) and likes his big brothers!!
30 September 2008
jonah wighed in at....
29 September 2008
25 September 2008
updates =)
sorry for the lack of posting...but my excuse is that i haven't taken any photos b/c of a dead battery and i can't find the charger ;)
but...our going to bed routine has worked a charm and we are loving the extra free time we have! the other night all boys, yes! all 3 boys were in bed by 8 o'clock!! by 9:30 andy asked what the time was and if it was our bed time yet?! we had so much time!
so jonah is usually down by 7:30, 8 at the latest. noah is very good and barely cries. if he does it is a totally fake cry! you can hear him humming away to himself. micah puts up a fight and does not like to go to bed at all. he's the worst of the lot =) but we get the lights off and he stays in bed but he cries, sometimes sobbing and usually falls asleep midcry!
now staying in bed all night is a hit or miss. we still wake up with children in the bed. sometimes we don't even wake up so we can't put them back into bed...while other times we are just way too tired! so we're working on that one =)
all are doing well. we've kinda starting homeschooling with micah. just 5 minutes a day, usually when noah is taking his nap and we work on counting and the alphebet, sometimes writing and a little math. thanks to thomas math is fun ;)
noah is signing please without us asking him too. we have 2 appointments coming up for him. a hearing test and then an appt with a speach and language lady. so we'll see what happens!
oh to be in the states today..
did i ever tell you how much i love love love ice cream?? i think it was from working at Friendly's =)
so for any of you near a cold stone's your chance at a free dessert tonight!
Cold Stone Creamery: Free Icecream--September 25, 2008
On Thursday, September 25, 2008 from 5:00-8:00 PM, all guests to any Cold Stone Creamery location in the nation will be treated to a 3 oz. serving of icecream. Donations will be accepted to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
The two free flavors available are: Marshmallow ice cream with OREO® Cookies, Chocolate Chips and Fudge or Nutter Butter® ice cream with White Chocolate Chips, Kit Kat® and Yellow Cake. More details here.Thanks, Sherry!
18 September 2008
becky's twins have arrived!
becky (at almost 35 weeks) after many hospital appointments and blood pressure checks, ryan and isaac were born yesterday weighing 5lbs 2.6oz and 5lbs 2.4oz!! you can read her sister's post here:
16 September 2008
our lil cowboy =)
11 September 2008
sleeping matters
we started last week with a new bedtime schedule. micah and noah got too used to mommy and daddy laying down with them to read and stay with them while they fell asleep. while we've tried many times to get out of this habit, we've never kept too it. well last week we started afresh and meant it this time. they got ready for bed, we read them a story or 2 or 3 =) prayed with them, then we tucked them in and said goodnight with a kiss.
the first few days, andy sat outside their rooms (we've seperated them since we knew it wouldn't work with them in the same room until they could fall asleep on their own) and he either sang or just sat there with some music playing. they cried and cried and carried on. noah would get out of bed and so forth, but we carried on and viola, not even a week later and they both cry still, but last night micah hardly cried at all and was asleep first and noah cried off and on for about 20 minutes, but didn't try to get out of bed. tonight, they both cried for no more then 10 minutes before falling asleep!! it was great. and jonah has been going down around about the same time (somewhere between 8 and 8:30) and its been bliss!!!
this morning we even woke up with no children in our bed! heavenly =)
this is the house that joanne and philip stayed at over in tawneytown!
a night with josh and jenn
too cute for words: madame faith
we had a great night with josh and jenn at his parents house where there is a pool! so most of the guys enjoyed the pool and josh bbq-ed for us! it was yummy! so josh and jenn, it was so nice to sit down with you 2 and chat. i hope luke is enjoying school and that faith isn't missing him too much!
some photos from taneytown
this is where andy's brother and sister stayed their first week in america! their friend alice lives out in taneytown and across the way is her son and his family. there is lots to do there on the farm and we went over for a day to enjoy it too! the family were very nice and and the boys (big and little) enjoyed the day =) a lot!
the gold medalist of the trampoline!
corn fields
a view while washing dishes...
micah really really wanted to ride it by himself!
08 September 2008
jonah, 12 weeks
can we believe he is 12 weeks already? nope...or that he has spent like 3/4 of his wee life in america?? very fun!
he is generally a happy baby as you can see. he likes to talk to us and laugh with us. he is very ticklish under his arms ;) and loves to stand...already! he is sleeping through the nights (and has been thankfully for the last almost 3 weeks, thanks to his little thumb that he finds in the night! and thanks to his NUK as well (aka binkey, dummy...)
last weighed on the 2nd he was 13lbs 1oz and 24 inches long so he is doing great! he had his first set of shots and did very well! i didn't even have to feed him straight away like i did with the others!
the boys still love holding him and touching him and hugging him and generally smothering him! but jonah usually takes it all in and its grand!
04 September 2008
photos from baltimore and 1 cool video (no relation to me or baltimore)
i can't figure out how to get it on here...but its very cool (and i love the music)!

help is needed!
that the money is that available, but i would love love love to have a country-ish front room. here is a photo of the front window and i am in desperate need of new curtains. i want something fun and maybe light in colour? any thoughts? its been so dismal here since we returned...rain, rain and more rain! so i need something to do =) to cheer up the place!
any thoughts?
(and sorry for the mess on the couches...i just moved them around this morning!)